Trestle’s Chelsea Webster to Present at WSCAI’s Business Partner Success Workshop
Trestle Community Management today announced that Senior Community Association Manager, Chelsea Webster, CMCA, AMS, PCAM will be presenting at the Washington State Chapter of Community Associations Institute (WSCAI)’s Business Partner Success Workshop on Thursday, September 21, 2023.

Joined by Ann Hart of Hub International, and David Silver, Esq. of Peryea Silver Taylor, the virtual workshop has been designed with business partners in mind. From WSCAI’s event page,
Whether you’re a seasoned community association industry veteran, new to the industry, or have others in your office that might benefit from learning more, this dynamic workshop will help you better understand the unique differences between community associations and apartments, how the role of the community association manager differs from that of a multi-family property manager, and better understand the inner structure of community associations and the process for bid approval and expenditures.
You’ll also learn how economic and other market conditions can impact the industry, how to recognize business resources and leverage other WSCAI partnerships to identify new business opportunities, best position your products and services, maximize your WSCAI membership, and get some tips and tricks on how to be successful at CA Day and other industry events.
There will also be an opportunity to hear ideas from attendees and network virtually with other Business Partners.
Trestle understands the value of working with well-informed vendors familiar with the legal structure of community associations. In its continuing effort to provide the best possible service to its Client Associations, Trestle has established its Project Office and detailed work order and proposal processes for its entire Team.
Trestle Project Office
The Project Office was designed to streamline and effectively execute insured and uninsured losses, reserve projects and large-scale exterior remediation efforts for Trestle Clients. By freeing up an Association’s assigned Community Manager during complex projects, the Project Office allows them to continue advancing and executing the Association’s planned operational and Board advisory efforts.
Through this highly experienced and specialized Team, Trestle Clients receive fully engaged, dedicated project oversight while continuing to work with their Community Association Manager on the day-to-day operational aspects of their community. The Project Office serves all of Trestle’s Practices and through the joint effort with each Association’s Community Association Manager, ensures complex projects stay on track and proactive communication is provided to community members.
Handling large-scale projects is a complex and challenging task for community Associations. Proper planning and coordination are crucial when it comes to executing complex reserve projects, such as painting a community’s buildings, roofing replacements, and other infrastructure upgrades. Trestle’s Project Office Team works closely with Boards and the assigned Community Manager to prioritize projects and coordinate the proposal process, making sure reserve projects are completed to plan.
Trestle’s Work Order and Proposal Procedures
Concentrating solely on community management services has allowed Trestle to understand the specific needs of Washington’s various types of common interest ownership associations and in response, design meticulous processes best suited for each. With an emphasis on transparency, consistency and accuracy, Trestle has created a robust catalog of internal procedures that have been automated with industry leading technologies. These mature processes result in the positive and consistently reliable experience Trestle’s Clients have grown to expect from the firm.
In order to protect its Client Associations and ensure consistency when issuing multiple proposal requests for Board review, Trestle has prepared an exhaustive catalog of statements of work. Each is project-specific and includes thoroughly outlined specifications. These statements of work can be amended by Trestle’s Community Association Managers to meet the unique needs of each community while still retaining standard language and legal protections. Similarly, Trestle has prepared a detailed work order request form for its Team’s use.
Through the use of these thorough forms, Trestle’s Team can ensure that each vendor receives consistent information. This approach is particularly helpful when a community is requesting multiple proposals from multiple vendors as it ensures each vendor receives an identical request. Further, through integration into Trestle’s My-Community Web Portal, Board Members are able to review and monitor all maintenance items, including pending proposal requests and in-progress work orders, and review and approve vendor invoices. Homeowners are able to review open maintenance projects linked to their home or a shared common area.
What Else Can be Found on Trestle’s My-Community Web Portal?
A community association portal is only as useful as the information it provides. In an effort to ensure current details are readily available, Trestle has fully incorporated its My-Community Web Portal into its Team’s processes. As a result, Trestle’s Team continuously updates the information accessible on the My-Community Web Portal, allowing it to serve as reliable centralized resource for community members.
Full utilization of the My-Community Web Portal allows association business to continue on Board and community members’ schedules. As an online resource, information can be retrieved at any time. Homeowners are able to proactively seek guidance, review easy to use instruction guides provided by Trestle, and ensure that their request or need is not delayed during non-business hours. Similarly, Board Members may review status updates after business hours, ensuring pending items do not go unchecked and important discussions among Board Members are not delayed.
Through the My-Community Web Portal, Homeowners can:
- Report and track maintenance concerns,
- Review their compliance history,
- Submit and monitor alteration requests,
- Keep up to date on important community announcements,
- Watch Trestle’s educational Webinars On-Demand,
- Review governing documents, meeting minutes and notices, and more.
In addition, with the help of Trestle’s My-Community Web Portal, Board and Committee Members can work to keep association business moving between meetings and afterhours. On the My-Community Web Portal, they can:
- Review and approve invoices,
- Discuss and vote on architectural alteration requests,
- Track community-wide compliance and maintenance history,
- Post community announcements, and more.
Connecting with Trestle
In addition to Trestle’s website, the firm regularly connects on LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Please contact Bob Brencic, CMCA, AMS, MBA, President of Trestle Community Management, at or (425) 454-6404 for additional details.